Why Is My Air Conditioner Not Working?

Someone working on an air conditioner outside

A Frustrating Situation With a Fix

We've all been there – the scorching Tucson heat is bearing down, and suddenly, your trusty air conditioner decides to take a siesta. The frustration is real, but fear not! In this blog, we'll explore the common reasons behind this HVAC hiccup and shed light on solutions with Russett Southwest Corp.

Thermostat Woes

Often, the culprit is as simple as a thermostat glitch. Check your settings to ensure it's set to cool, and the temperature is where it should be. Sometimes, a quick battery change in the thermostat can do wonders.

Dirty Filters

Clogged air filters can silently sabotage your AC's efficiency. A dirty filter restricts airflow, making your system work harder and leading to potential breakdowns. Regular filter changes (every 1-3 months) can keep your AC in top shape.

Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant levels can cause your AC to blow warm air. If you notice a decline in cooling performance, it's time to call in the pros. Russett Southwest Corp.'s expert technicians can assess and replenish refrigerant levels, ensuring optimal performance.

Electrical Gremlins

Faulty wiring or tripped breakers can interrupt the power supply to your air conditioner. Before diving into DIY electrical fixes, it's safer to rely on our skilled technicians to inspect and resolve any wiring issues.

Regular Maintenance

Prevention is better than cure. Routine maintenance by Russett Southwest Corp. ensures your air conditioner operates at peak efficiency, reducing the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns. Our comprehensive check-ups cover everything from cleaning coils to lubricating moving parts.

Beat the Heat with Russett Southwest Corp.

"Why is my air conditioner not working?" is a question we've all asked. Russett Southwest Corp. in Tucson is here to answer and resolve those concerns. Whether it's a minor thermostat hiccup or a more complex issue, our team of experts is just a call away.

Schedule Your Air Conditioner Maintenance Today!

Don't let a malfunctioning AC ruin your comfort. Contact Russett Southwest Corp. now to schedule a comprehensive air conditioner maintenance session. Beat the heat with confidence!


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